How can I help?

The generous and loving contributions from our donors and friends are the source of all SNET's wonderful charitable activities of the last nine years. Join with us in continuing this great benefit to India's impoverished tribal people. We have two partners who accept donations for us and participate in our projects here in Ganeshpuri. 98% of all donations through these two partners do reach us and help with our projects

Non-Indian donations?

Our USA partner, Third Millennium Awakening, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with an on-line donation page:

Is it possible for individuals or groups to come stay at the Fire Mountain Retreat Center?

Yes -- both individuals and groups are welcome to come stay at Fire Mountain.  Click for more information on the Fire Mountain Retreat Center.

We are also happy to work with group leaders to custom design a retreat program.  Click for more information.


Where can I get more information on the Fire Mountain Ayurveda programs?

We have a special Fire Mountain Ayurveda website, please click to be redirected to this website.


Are your annual reports available for review?

Yes.  You are welcome to click and review them.