How can I help?

The generous and loving contributions from our donors and friends are the source of all SNET’s wonderful charitable activities of the last nine years. Join with us in continuing this great benefit to India’s impoverished tribal people. We have two partners who accept donations for us and participate in our projects here in Ganeshpuri. 98% of all donations through these two partners do reach us and help with our projects

Non-Indian donations?

Our USA partner, Third Millennium Awakening, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with an on-line donation page: https://www.tmaseva.org/donations

Where can I buy the Padukas Women’s Workshop products?

What can tribal women make with a little training and support? You will be thrilled to see the beautiful items that are made with love and spirit by our beneficiaries. Visit our online store at http://www.padukaseboutique.com for our handmade items.